Our Approach

Our approach

Accidents affect more than your numbers—they affect your people. Our approach guides you and your team toward creating a common goal to improve workplace safety.

How we help protect
your people.

Everyone wants to know they’re important, that they make a difference. This is the first key to our safety approach. We focus on the personal, emotional ramifications of workplace decisions and how it’s a group effort to ensure that everyone goes home safe every day.

Another important aspect of our approach is an exploration into the neuroscience of how we make decisions. Understanding the role emotions, beliefs and needs all play in our decision-making process is critical. A clear view of how we make decisions and how the brain processes risk will help you and your people to think more often than react—uniting you in the common goal of keeping everyone safe.

How we help protect
your people.

Everyone wants to know they’re important, that they make a difference. This is the first key to our safety approach. We focus on the personal, emotional ramifications of workplace decisions and how it’s a group effort to ensure that everyone goes home safe every day.

Another important aspect of our approach is an exploration into the neuroscience of how we make decisions. Understanding the role emotions, beliefs and needs all play in our decision-making process is critical. A clear view of how we make decisions and how the brain processes risk will help you and your people to think more often than react—uniting you in the common goal of keeping everyone safe.

Bel Brands Testimonial

See how Bel Brands decreased their accident rate by 45% with the Legacy Through Safety training

Programs tailored
for your team.

Our Through Safety programs are designed for every person at all levels of your organization. Each program is a specialized event tailor-made to generate awareness, agreement, and action towards four goals – Recognizing hazards, improving decisions, preventing accidents and creating a culture of caring.


Change habits.
Save lives.

A large part of our approach focuses on changing habits. We teach your people to think of safety first by truly considering the potential results of their actions—for themselves, their associates and their families.


Programs tailored
for your team.

Our Through Safety programs are designed for every person at all levels of your organization. Each program is a specialized event tailor-made to generate awareness, agreement, and action towards four goals – Recognizing hazards, improving decisions, preventing accidents and creating a culture of caring.


Change habits.
Save lives.

A large part of our approach focuses on changing habits. We teach your people to think of safety first by truly considering the potential results of their actions—for themselves, their associates and their families.

Real-world results.

  • It has opened my eyes on the strategy of leading through safety, its importance, and given me the tools to grow and become a more effective leader and person.



    Shift your
    safety focus.


    We’re always available to answer your questions or explain our offerings. Contact us today to learn more about how your influence can shape the safety of your company for years to come.

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